Benefits for client

We use the most sophisticated methods available to ensure high-class legal services:

1.technical resources (hardware):

- Guaranteed electronic signature which allows to speed-up the administrative process (shorter terms) and to minimize costs of clients (lower court and administrative fees)
- Book of authorization – which means higher security for a client in case of real estate property transfer. In this case the attorney certifies the contract with a clause of authorization and he is responsible for damage caused – in such case the attorney has similar liability as a notary. That means client ´s security against fraud and his assurance that he will be able to acquire the ownership of the real estate which is transferred by the certified contract.

2.professional enviroment:

- staff trainings, regularly updated legislation, Business Journal, etc.

In case of any questions please contact us.

Location illustration
LS Bratislava

Law office

Contact: JUDr. Magdaléna Kollárová

Legionárska 1/C
831 04 Bratislava

Tel: +421(0)2 555 745 97
Fax: +421(0)2 555 745 97

Lawyer's licence No.1904 Slovak Bar
Legionárska 1/C
831 04 Bratislava

Lawyer's licence No.10185 Czech Bar
Mácova 27
621 00 Brno
Česká republika

Správca konkurznej podstaty č.493 v zozname Ministerstva spravodlivosti SR